Thursday, January 21, 2010


Congratulations to Craig and Cricket who said, "I love it!!! I'd love to have it on my desk!" You are the lucky winner of the 2010 desk calendar! 

A very big thank you goes out to all who entered! I wish I could send everyone a calendar but unfortunately there is only one! The good news is, is that I will be doing a giveaway on a monthly basis now - so please keep checking back and who knows - you just may be the next lucky one! 

H is for Handmade is going to be busy the next couple of weeks! I have a great menu cooking up for you dear readers and I am really excited about it! Here are a few things to expect in the near future:
  • new tutorials
  • guest bloggers/crafters for you to meet and drool over
  • local craft fair announcements
  • February giveaway
  • fabulous recipes
Have a great weekend and hopefully I will see you back here very soon!


  1. WOW! That was a shock when I saw my name as the winner! I am so excited...I don't ever win things! Thanks!

  2. Cricket, I just need to get your mailing info from you and I can send it out. My email address is listed in the right hand column of the blog. Hope to hear from you soon!
