Monday, February 1, 2010

Upcoming Shows

February not only celebrates the lovers and romantics, but it also brings us some of the first craft shows of the 2010 year! For all you locals, there are 2 great boutiques happening this weekend. If you are not a local...well, you can just check out the websites for some inspiration and creative ignition and be jealous that you are not here to bask in the glory of all that is craftastic!

Fro those of you who live on the East side of the valley:
Hooray for Art Market happening at Sugarhouse Park!
Check out the full vendor list and gallery here!
(click image to enlarge)

If you go, you may need to buy this bag!

For those of you on the west side of the valley:
Yippee for Oh Sweet Sadie!
You will love their blog and a sneak peek of the show!
(click image to enlarge)

I think I need to buy one of these canvas prints from Little Duchess while I am there!

Are there any other shows happening this month that I should know about? Email me at the address listed in the right hand column and I will post about it!


  1. I love that bag; it is beautiful!!

    I am so glad that you found my blog so that I've now found yours.

  2. Your bags are beautiful. Just found your blog. Love it!

  3. Maria,
    I only wish I could take credit for the beautiful bag, but it was not me that made it :(
    I found the photo of it on the Art Market website. There was not a photo credit for it so I am not sure who made it. Thanks for visiting my blog, however - your message is very sweet!
