Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Renegade Handmade Faves!

I might be willing to give my right arm to attend one of, if not THE, nation's largest indie art and craft fairs! The Renegade Craft Fair got it's start in 2003 in Chicago's Wicker Park neighborhood. This DIY craft fair rapidly grew in it's popularity and is now held in 5 major cities across the US (mine is not one of them. boo.), has an online marketplace and a storefront located in it's hometown of Chicago that carries work from over 400 vendors! If your city is not one on the list of locations, don't fret! You can check out a list of artists and their webpages/shops from each region with just a click of your mouse! It's always inspiring (and humbling!) to see the talent from sea to shining sea! I have selected a few of my favorites from the lists. I better start saving my money!

Wool purses and satchels from Wooly Bison. This is going to be my winter bag this year! If a wool carry-all wasn't enough to steal my heart, they had to go ahead and make it in red just to make it that much more tempting for me!

I don't know if there are words to describe my pure adoration for this. I am always so pleased when I spot something so original and unpredictable, that I want to shed a tear. Miniature Rhino has been one of my favorite blogs to stalk for quite some time now. I wonder if she would like to be my new friend?

I am saying a secret little prayer that my next child 
will be a girl! I need this dress from Baby Bean. Or, can I just be really tiny for a day so that I can wear it around? Look at that bow!

I am loving the contrast of the soft and romantic feel of a pearl paired with the cold, industrious looking metals. Jane E Roberti has a lot of charming pieces in her Etsy shop right now that have a similar feel and texture.

This is the most perfect plant for my sister!  Jane Joss , a fabric florist, creates these darling plants that don't require water or maintenance. Perfect for the non-green thumb in your life! She was also a featured artist on Design Sponge and did a tutorial for a leafy branch that we all may just need to make!

I really, really REALLY like these postersSpread the Love has quite a few prints in their shop that I would like to have hanging on my wall. It was hard to choose just one to display on here, so choose 2! I think her art is incredible and I really like the vibrant colors she uses in a lot of her work.

I am a little enamored with bikes right now. My husband is fixing up my 1971 Schwinn Super Sport as I type. This acrylic painting on a wood panel from Yellow Owl Workshop might be just what we need! How creative to give the painting a pop of color with the spokes!

So, have any of you ever been to the Renegade Craft Fair?
Do you have any indie art hanging around your house?
What type of items do you like to buy when you go to a craft show?


  1. Totally!! lets be friends! this is so sweet thanks for making my day more awesome.

    i'll be at renegade la & ny. choose a coast, i'll meet you there...

    jessica/miniature rhino

  2. i love that bike painting. it's awesome.

    i also want that red bag. really, bad.

    let's go to renegade.

    i have a cool bike print from etsy, i'll have to send you a link.

  3. PS i just visited the mini rhino blog and I NEED ONE OF THOSE PERSONALIZED HEART SAMPLERS **BAD**
