Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Good And the Bad

Hello dear followers! I cannot even tell you how much I have appreciated you hanging in there and patiently waiting for me to get back online! I would check into my blog every few days to see if there was any news, emails, questions or comments that I needed to tend to and was always so thrilled to see that you all have stuck with me and that I had even gained a few new followers! Much thanks to you all - I am so happy to have you visit and support this little blog of mine!

Well, I have bad news and I have good news. 

I will start with the bad first. My pregnancy was unfortunately unsuccessful and we lost the baby at 16 weeks into it. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through - especially because I have hyperemesis with my pregnancies during the first trimesters. I really thought all the hard work, the hours of bed rest, the sacrifice of not being able to spend quality time with my husband and son would all pay off in the end when I finally got to hold the little baby in my arms. I am heartbroken that it won't. The ONLY reason why I am telling the news on this blog is to let you know why I haven't felt the need or desire to blog again but also because people always anticipate a pregnant blog author to post about their pregnancy and any fun baby finds, DIY baby projects, ideas for a nursery and then await for the big announcement when the baby has finally arrived. I too love to read those kind of things from some of my favorite bloggers around the web who are expecting and it always makes me feel like I am one of their closest friends! I love being allowed to read the details and happenings of their exciting time and how much they look forward to their new addition and how they are preparing for it! I will continue to read their incredible blogs and cheer them on from my living room! It really should be a time of celebration and sharing! I simply just wanted you, my friends, to know why I can't share such things with you! 

The good news is that I am doing well! I am healthy again, my spirits are up and I have been making up for lost time hanging out with my loving hubby and my favorite silly little 3 year old! We have an amazing support system of family and friends around us and our faith in God to lift us up whenever we are down! It feels good to see Spring around the corner, to feel the sun on my face and be able to see my apricot tree in blossom. Those are all the things that help a wounded heart heal! We are so hopeful for the future and this little bump in the road will not detour us in any way. Also, on a good note, while taking the needed time off, I have been brainstorming and getting inspired about some new DIY projects to post on here and I have a few goodies up my sleeve! It feels good to get back in the saddle again and I look forward to moving on, pressing forward and finding happiness in working with my hands once again! 

See you real soon!



  1. Amy, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I can't imagine how difficult that would be. I'm so glad you are well now and that you have such a positive outlook. You are amazing!


  2. i am so happy to see your blog pop up in my reader. i hope you are healing and feeling hopeful. i have missed you and am excited to see what you come up with next.

  3. Amy,
    I've never commented here before but I follow your blog and feel that now is a good time. I really appreciate your honesty. What an incredibly difficult thing to deal with. My heart goes out to you. As someone who has been trying to get pregnant for 3 1/2 years, I know a bit about the heartache that can come along when baby making doesn't work out how you planned. However, I've never experienced a miscarriage. After I finished posting this comment I will pray for you and your husband.
    Thank you again for being open. It really touched my heart.


  4. I, too, have had a miscarriage...and it is SUCH a hard thing! I lost my first pregnancy 15 months ago and am still (impatiently) waiting for things to work out. I'm glad you have lots of support to help you through this trial. Sending lots of love your way...

  5. Oh Amy, I am so sorry to hear this news. I can't imagine how hard that would be... hang in there!

  6. friend, glad to see you posting again! sounds like you are in good spirits and i am so glad. miss you!

  7. Sending hugs, love, and prayers your way! I can't even fathom how hard that would be. That precious baby returned straight to the presence of our Heavenly Father. It was so perfect that it only needed a body for a very short time! <3

  8. Amy,
    I' so sorry to hear your news and am sending lots of prayers and good energy your way. All the best to you and kudos on your refreshed positive attitude to move forward.

  9. As you know, I know just how you feel. We will leave it in God's hands now and pray for a better future outcome. Creativity will help you stay on top.

  10. I have been there and my heart goes out to you. Just keep doing for you and forget about doing whatever you are expected to do. (It took quite a while before I could sit through an entire Sunday church service, could not look at all those happy moms with new babies.)
    Hug your little one with all your might and know that you have one gift, if number two or even three happens they are extra blessings.
    God never gives you more than you can handle...He just does not always tell you just how to handle it.

  11. I was so excited to see your blog this morning. I've been checking regularly.

    I'm so sorry Amy. We've experienced such loss in our family and it's just so hard. It's true that a loving and supportive family and deep faith help us to get out of bed each morning and bless us with hope and joy. Some days will still hard, but never impossible.

    I'm so glad it's spring for all of us, but especially for you.

  12. Amy... I am so sorry. I lost my second at 21 weeks after months of bedrest, so I have an idea of how you might be feeling. I really am so sorry. I hope that you feel peace and love and that your little guy will help heal your heart as mine has for me.

  13. Wow, so sorry darlin. That sounds super tough. Some things happen that we don't understand, and that just stinks. I will hope & pray for the best for you! <3

  14. Hugs from afar Amy. Thinking about the three of you and wishing I was there for a craft day with you, Colett and Joan. :-)

  15. I am so sorry for you loss! I understand what you are going through. I have had the exact same thing happen to me 4 times...Hyperemesis and then miscarriage after the 1st trimester. The difficulty of going through Hyperemesis and then having a miscarriage is...well there just aren't words to describe it. We too had our faith, family and friends to help us through. Here is a poem I found and hung on my fridge:

    Little Baby
    Little Baby who was not to be,
    You were a person at least to me,
    Would you eyes be blue?
    Or hazel and dark?
    Would you caw like a crow?
    Or sing like a lark?
    Would you have ten fingers
    and ten tiny toes?
    A rosebud mouth?
    A turned up nose?
    Would you be laughing and happy,
    or somber and quiet?
    Would you run and jump or rather be still?
    Would you like to read, or prefer to play?
    None of my question will have an answer
    Your chance to live will never be
    The only thing I truly know-Little Baby
    We would have love you so!
    by Joan Schmidt

  16. I am so sorry. I lost a little spirit at 16 weeks as well. You are in my thoughts and prayers...

  17. First your web site and creativity is wonderful. I usually do not comment about health, but had to mention, a friend was sick through her whole two first pregnancy, went to another doctor for the third, found out she had trouble with her thyroid. Was tested for it with the first two and said there was no problem....but the second dr treated her for it and turns out that was the problem...just a thought to send along.
