Monday, September 5, 2011

Your Ideas, My Projects!

There are a couple things that I am finding to be really great in my life: 1) That I can be gone for over a month, vacationing up a storm and not having to stress about what to create next for this blog...because it really doesn't matter. At all. The stress level is pretty much minimal when you don't "have" to blog, but instead "get" to blog. And 2) That I can always turn to people like you for some inspiration and ingenuity because sometimes, I just need a little shove in the creative department. Who doesn't?  
(Thanks for sticking around and not caring. I mean that in the most sincerest and flattered way possible!) 

That is when Pinterest comes in handy! Kind of. While Pinterest is by far the most inspiring site around, it only takes a few short minutes to be humbled and hit by the mighty realization that you may just not be the coolest crafter/dresser/decorator/chef around like you may have thought! I am always so amazed at how clever people are. Like, "HOLY CRAP" clever and "I WISH I HAD THOUGHT OF THAT" clever! I have found things that blow my mind, people who clearly think on a whole other level than I do, and projects to keep me busy until my hair turns gray. It's quite addicting and oh so thrilling! 

Do you care to join me on Pinterest? You can find me right HERE if you do.

I have been working on 2 projects this past week. One was found on Pinterest, and the other one I showed awhile back on this here very blog awhile back. I don't just show other people's projects for my health, ya know! I actually DO make them! 
The mini side ironing table was the brain child of Elizabeth at Oh Fransson
 and the sewing caddy was the brilliant idea of Joy over at How Joyful

Use a TV tray to make a mini ironing board to have next to you while sewing. This concept has changed my life! HINT: These TV trays can be found and are sold individually at Target for less than $10.00!!

Another HINT: If you don't already have a piece of scrap fabric for this project, when you go to buy some, simply buy a quilter's fat quarter. It fits it perfectly and usually costs less than $3! 

The sewing caddy can also be made from 2 fat quarters!

Pretty smart, eh?

 I sure do like all of you creative people! You keep my wheels spinning!



  1. What a fabulous idea for the ironing board! My ironing board is big and kept downstairs whilst the sewing is going on upstairs. Absolutely brilliant!

    Bimbi x

  2. i need to make one of those mini side ironing boards asap! what a great idea. i hate getting up to iron. and that little caddy is really cool.

    i was just thinking of you yesterday, i'm glad to see a post from you. we should meet up somewhere soon.

  3. And you keep our wheels turning!

  4. Hi amy!
    I had a lot of fun browsing your blog! It is darling! And, you are one talented lady!
    It was fun to get to know you a bit last night! Thanks for coming up!
    And, I'm super excited for your ice cream scoop page. Sooooo cute!

  5. That little table is freaking brilliant! Every time I need to press I have to run downstairs, set up the ironing board, get out the iron...sheesh. Thank you so much for showing this.

    P.S. I see alot of single TV trays at Goodwill as well. Now I'm snagging one.
