Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Positively Splendid Kind of Day!

Guess where I am today? Besides being at Echo Lake here in Utah and waiting for my turn on the boat, I will be at Positively Splendid - the magic of cyber space allows me to be in two places at once! Hallelujah for that! The name of the blog is so very fitting because Positively Splendid is...well, pretty positively splendid! Making an appearance on Amy's (not "me", Amy) blog is pretty thrilling as I have been a fan for quite some time now! Aside from feeling totally cool about being a guest on her blog, I am also pretty excited about the DIY project I am featuring! I will be showing you how to whip up your very own curled paper ceiling pendant! Go check out today's tutorial and then scroll through all her grandiose posts from the past and get ready to be inspired! 
(I wonder if I could get any more exclamation points in this post?!!!??!!!!!!!!)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Free Circus Printable - Done!

A few years ago, I found a free printable for a Victorian carousel and have been smitten by it ever since! It honestly made my heart pitter patter with glee when I saw it! I posted about it here but didn't get much feedback on it. Maybe the photo that the website provided was less than appealing (much less!) or maybe my taste in whimsical decor is not so main stream? (I'm perfectly o.k. with the latter of the two.) Who knows...but I thought I would throw it out there again anyway, just in case you missed it or were turned off and/or misled by the crap photo. 

I finally got around to making one for not only myself but for my good friend Nicole who just had a baby boy! After making it, I fell even more in love with it because the detail and illustrations are too darling for words. What a great present it will be for baby Reyn's nursery and I can't wait to give it to them today! 

You can make one too by clicking on this pdf link and downloading it to your computer! 

FYI: It also makes cool shadows on the wall! 

Loved your visit! Until next time...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Soap Box

Has anyone strolled the aisles of Target recently? If so, you may have noticed a certain pillow propped proudly on their shelves. A certain pillow that strangely enough, looks EXACTLY like the one I did a tutorial for on this here very November of 2009! I know, I know "quit flattering yourself, Amy", as some of you may be saying, "you are tiny and no one even knows who you are or that this blog even exists!" But in all actuality, this pillow has been featured on several blogs and design sites, both small and large, so the chances of a designer for Target spotting it and taking credit for it are actually quite high. What do you guys think...should I be flattered or should I be angry? I think at this point I am leaning toward the latter. Arrrrggh.

Take a looksies and see what you think!

Mine (and ALL mine!)

stupid Target's version

I'm sorry, but the resemblance is a little too uncanny! 


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Everyday Lounge Pant Tutorial

Yes, I am posting at 6:00 p.m. on a Wednesday. So what?

I bought these lounge pants from Target for $6.00. They are basic, available everywhere and a staple in most women's wardrobes. I love me some casual pants (that can't be proper English!), but all signs are pointing to the fact that if I wore these around town, I have completely given up on life. My husband likes to jokingly refer to sweats as "quitters" because he thinks that people who wear them out and about (i.e. dinner, movies or shopping) have totally surrendered in caring about themselves. Since I haven't thrown in the towel (nor do I ever plan to) on wanting to look presentable, I have, however, joined the ranks of wanting to be comfortable. There is a way to do both! 

I turned my Quitters - with a capital Q, into fashionable everyday pants. I'll be happy to say that these babies have made an appearance at Target, the grocery store, our road trip and yes, even dinner! They seem to be perfectly appropriate for every event in my life. Maybe that says a little something about me!?
I think these would also be good to wear for:
post maternity 
bike riding 
evening walks
the farmers market
a swimsuit cover up
thrift shopping
going to the park
going on picnic
you name it

 I first started off by pinning them where I wanted them to be gathered at my leg. I did this while still wearing them, standing up really straight and looking into a mirror. I measured up from the hem and pinned the other leg at the same spot.

Next, I cut them off at the pins. Remember - you will have a 3"- 4" cuff on the bottom so take your final length into account before cutting!

I then measured up 4" (allowing for a 1/2" seam) from the bottom of the cut off leg piece and I cut them once again. This 4" piece will be used as your cuff for around your calf. Do this on both legs pieces.

I took my pants and sewed a base stitch 1/2 above my newly cut bottom edge. It doesn't have to look good because you will pull it through and remove it later.

I put the pants back on and started gathering the leg to get the right width for my calf. Tie off your thread strings once this is done so that your gather won't slip.

I opened my cuff piece by cutting the seam off and then I measured around the opening of the leg on the pants. I trimmed the length of the cuff to the measured size. I left my pants right side in and sewed the top of the cuff to the bottom of my pants so that right sides were together. Basically, just turn your cuff piece upside down backwards! 
Hint: start sewing from the hem on the inner of the leg

Once I got to the end, I just sewed up the side into the seam of the pants. 

I then took out the base stitch as it's not needed anymore

And that's it!
 I also added a little flair by using up the left over leg material that was cut off and make a cargo pocket. I also made a bias tape with some scrap fabric and made a new drawstring belt and topped the pocket with it as well.

Is this something you would wear around town? Do you think they are utilitarian as I do? Do you think I will wear them till they are worn thin, practically see-through and borderline indecent? 
You bet I will! 

Blog link ups are a great thing! See where I am this week! Click here!

Loved your visit! Until next time...