Resolutions can seem a bit daunting at times. Especially come September when you realize you have fallen short in your ambitious intentions and the year is nearly over! Instead of making demanding and dreadful resolutions (i.e. loose weight, run a 1/2 marathon, cut out carbonated beverages from diet....), why not make goals that you look forward to doing, that will enrich your life and that you will have fun with? Love your resolutions! For example: build something with power tools, go see a foreign film alone, enroll in an adult education course at your local community college or maybe start a gratitude journal? Does anyone remember the Friend's episode where Monica got her credit card stolen? That's what I'm talking about! Last year I made a goal to enter cookies into our State Fair's competition and it was so much fun! It was something that I was completely unfamiliar with and I was appreciatively introduced to a "culture" that was all very new to me! I will do it again this coming year!
Here is a simple printout that I made where you can jot your aspirations down on. Tape it to your mirror, your fridge or the inside cover of your daily planner. Seeing them each new day will be a slap in the face friendly reminder of how thrilling it is to empower ourselves by learning something new and how riveting it is to step out of our comfort zones! Maybe if the resolutions are on pretty stationary, it makes them a little less intimidating?
P.S. I only put 5 numbers on the stationary - why overdo it? Let's just keep it sweet and simple, shall we!
Loved your visit! Until next time...